My Pregnancy, Labour - Part 2

My Pregnancy, Labour - Part 2 

First of all A very Happy New Year Everyone & I hope this year will be much better than previous one for all of you.

I know it’s been ages since I even logged in! Blame the motherhood and the crazy life after a baby!!. My baby is 6 months old. Days are passing so quickly and the baby is growing so are my responsibilities 🙂

After several months, here I am! A mum of a naughty kid, struggling to figure out how this parenting works…. I still have no idea and I still feel like I am not ready. But do I have a choice? No.  😊

And yes, Danisha is 6 months old now. Unbelievable isn’t it? I published the first part when I was in my second trimester and just now I got some time to work on part 2 which means I have been really busy! 💁🏻

Parenting – Children learn more from what you are than what you teach!

Danisha is keeping me on my toes 24*7. I am a home maker now, & we moved to Bangalore, India for my delivery so that our parents can take good care of me & the baby. These days I get to spend some quality time with my little bunny. I'm sure it is worth it. I admit that it is harder than going to work, but the happiness it brings to both of us, cannot be described in words.  I am drained at times by the end of the day, but positive thoughts keep me going 🙂 

Now coming back to the subject of this blog, it’s the continuation of my previous one. To be honest, I don’t remember all the details. It all seems like ages ago. But I do remember that my prolonged labour was for 17 hours. 
I was heavily pregnant, myself, Sakthi & my m.i.l went for check up on 16th August 2019 in the evening for my last trimester scan. Doctor told me that it's just a 50-50 chance for a normal delivery because the umbilical chord was around the baby's neck & asked me to be ready with my hospital bags anytime after 20th August 2019 but, my due date was around Sept 1st week. We collected the reports & went to nearby mall to have dinner. Since we were already late & I was damn hungry! I was craving for pizza at that time. After finishing my dinner I felt like sudden gush of water flowing down which I couldn't stop. 

My m.i.l kept asking if I experienced any pain in my stomach or back but no I informed my husband & m.i.l about this. They asked me not to worry. Since we were in nearby mall, we rushed to the hospital & I got admitted on 16th August 2019 around 10pm .I asked my m.i.l to inform my parents soon. My Amma Appa arrived Bangalore on 17th August 2019 morning. It was one of the most beautiful moments and I felt out of this world to know that my parents were with me. Pregnancy wasn’t too bad after all. 😉

 The next day early morning i.e (on 17th Aug), I didn’t feel much pain. I was just having mild cramps. Sakthi came early to the ward. I was induced for pain . It was quite a painful, uncomfortable procedure and I freaked out thinking about how painful the labour was going to be. Suddenly around 10am, I felt like I was having severe period cramps. Maybe this is it! Maybe it is the pain. There were so many thoughts going on in my mind. Doctor checked me and said you’re only 4cm dilated. You’re in labourI'm sure it felt like 15!!

I asked Sakthi to massage my back, he did it so gently first, that I couldn’t even feel his hand. When I screamed at him asking him to do it a bit harder.I was in pain. A pain which I can’t remember now but I know for sure for painful as hell. I kept thinking about all my friends who had delivered babies and about my mum who had already been through this! I asked for an epidural finally when i was 4cm dilated. I couldn't handle more than this. I tried my best to have a natural birth but it was too tough. And the worst part was, I had to speak in English for them to understand. Aiyo Amma nu  kooda katha mudila☹️? 

I followed my Doctor's instructions,I just breathed in and out slowly and started pushing whenever she asked me to. Danisha was out in 4 pushes. Hats off to my Dr. Shefali Tyagi for the years of experience she has!! Sakthi was brave enough to be with me throughout the whole process. And when I felt the squishy, wet, fragile, tiny human being to have skin to skin contact, all that pain just disappeared. Like magic. It was indeed a magical experience! She was then given to Sakthi to have some skin contact. There she was, our little girl who was born on 17th August at 14:58:23sec. She posed within 10 mins of her birth and here is the pic:

I fed her immediately and later on, her weight was noted and she was taken away to do some basic checks that’s when I started panicking. I wanted to keep her with me and felt like everyone else might hurt her. She was a tiny baby. I had some tear and got stitches. We informed of Danisha's arrival to our family and friends and I was so proud of myself. Sakthi wasn’t allowed to stay with me that night as we were in a labour ward so it was just me,my m.i.l and my baby. The nurses were absolutely brilliant and they taught me everything. Right from feeding till nappy change. Everything I should know for a starter and if anything, you could always use a buzzer near the bed, and a nurse would arrive immediately. I thought once the baby was out, my tummy will go in, back to how it was! But even after a week, I was looking like I was 4 months pregnant

We stayed 2 days at the hospital, Danisha was checked for jaundice and other things. Her eyes and ears were checked. I couldn’t get enough of her. I fed her every 2 hours and initially She had problems latching but then she got it. She was too small and fragile as she was born 20 days before my due date. But she was 2.44 kgs, just the minimum weight required and was active. When we went home, I was clueless. The first day home with the baby was nerve wrecking. Nurses weren’t around to help. But we got through it and then started my sleepless nights. The first 3 months, I was like a zombie and also looked like one. Always tired, hungry and cranky. It definitely got better and now I am enjoying it. Or maybe, should I say I have gotten used to it? Hahaha. Either ways, it got better.  Since my m.i.l & parents were there it was manageable. Danisha was close to 4 months and I took care of her from then on. Just Sakthi and I without any other help. I was completely inspired and motivated by the single mums here. They did everything without any help. When they can, of course we all can. That got us through the first six months💕

It was too hard at the beginning but I am glad I did it. It was all because of Sakthi, who motivated and pushed me and continuously assured that I could  easily do it. Trust me, I don’t have the stamina like before but I try. Pregnancy and labour changes you and your body completely. Sakthi takes good care of Danisha during weekends. Danisha is one cheeky naughty little kid. I love her to bits like any other mother and makes sure she gets her timeouts when she throws tantrums. One thing I learnt is –
There is no right or wrong way in parenting. You know what’s best for your child and whatever works for others may or may not work for you. So continue doing your amazing job and don’t care about what everyone else thinks! 
 We are all still learning and everyday is a school day! See you next time in another blog! I promise it’s going to be sooner than last time 😂
